Organize your financial information so you can see it all in one place. Gain confidence and clarity about your financial future to help work towards your financial goals
Discover when you can retire and how much you could spend. When to collect Social Security. Evaluate a Lump sum vs. Pension.
Planning for major life events and goals and the impact on your long term financial success. Helping kids/grandkids with college. Buying a new home. Stress test your plan with different “what if” scenarios.
See the impact different scenarios have on key financial metrics inside your plan, such as Cash Flow, Total Lifetime Taxes Paid, Future Portfolio Value and more!
Create a detailed map so you can see all of the moving pieces of your financial picture. Identify gaps and savings opportunities as your cash flow changes over time.
Build out an asset allocation bucket strategy that can minimize the impact of market downturns. Plan out which accounts to withdrawal from first.
Identify short and long term tax issues. When and how much to convert to a Roth. Where and what types of accounts to contribute to. Plan for potential tax issues associated with an early retirement.
Lethemon Financial
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